Acoustic Guitar Maintenance for Cold Weather

Repairs   |   October 1, 2024

posted by: Tone Tailors

How to Maintain Your Acoustic Guitar as the Weather Gets Colder

As the seasons change and the temperature drops, your acoustic guitar needs extra care to keep it in top shape. The cold weather can wreak havoc on wooden instruments due to the dry air and fluctuating humidity levels. Follow these tips to ensure your guitar stays in tune, crack-free, and sounding great all winter long.

1. Watch the Humidity

One of the biggest threats to your guitar during the colder months is low humidity. Wood is sensitive to changes in moisture levels, and when the air becomes dry, your guitar can crack or warp. Aim to keep the humidity between 40-60%. To do this:

Invest in a Humidifier: Case humidifiers or soundhole humidifiers are great options for acoustic guitars. These small, affordable devices keep moisture in the air around your guitar, preventing the wood from drying out.

Use a Room Humidifier: If your house or studio gets particularly dry in the winter, a room humidifier can maintain overall humidity levels.

2. Store Your Guitar Properly

Proper storage is crucial during the winter months:

Keep It in the Case: When not in use, store your guitar in its hard case. This helps protect it from sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

Avoid Direct Heat: Never store your guitar near heaters, radiators, or fireplaces. The direct heat can cause the wood to dry out too quickly, leading to cracks or other damage.

Slow Acclimation: If you bring your guitar in from the cold, let it acclimate to room temperature gradually while it’s still in the case to avoid sudden temperature shifts.

3. Monitor the Temperature

Sudden changes in temperature can lead to expansion and contraction of the wood, which might result in cracks or damage.

One of the best ways to monitor all of the dimensions of your acoustic guitar’s health is the TaylorSense System:

Keep Away from Windows and Exterior Walls: Drafts from windows or cold walls can subject your guitar to fluctuating temperatures.

Travel with Caution: If you’re taking your guitar to a gig or studio session, avoid leaving it in a cold car. Extreme cold can damage the wood and finish.

4. Change Strings Regularly

Winter can bring increased wear on your guitar strings due to changes in tension from the cold. Make sure to:

Replace Strings Frequently: Cold weather can affect your strings’ longevity, so it’s important to change them regularly to maintain a bright, resonant sound.

Check Out Acoustic Strings at Tone Tailors

Wipe Down After Playing: With colder weather often comes dry skin, which can transfer oils and sweat onto your strings. Clean your strings after each use to prolong their life.

5. Check Your Guitar’s Setup

As the weather gets colder, you might notice changes in your guitar’s action or playability. This can happen because the neck, bridge, and top are all affected by temperature and humidity changes. Some things to look for:

Neck Adjustment: Your guitar’s neck might need a truss rod adjustment if the action becomes too high or low due to weather shifts.

Bridge and Saddle Inspection: Make sure the bridge and saddle haven’t lifted or shifted. If you’re unsure about these adjustments, it’s always a good idea to take your guitar to a professional for a setup. For those in Lancaster, PA, Tone Tailors is an excellent choice for all your repair and setup needs.

Need a Setup? Reach out to our Techs!

6. Polish and Clean Your Guitar

The winter season is a great time to give your guitar a thorough cleaning and polish:

Use a Soft Cloth: Gently wipe down the body, neck, and headstock to remove dust and fingerprints.

Polish the Body: Use a guitar-safe polish to give your instrument a protective sheen.

Condition the Fretboard: If your guitar has a rosewood or ebony fretboard, consider using a fretboard conditioner to keep the wood hydrated.

7. Tune Regularly

The changing weather can make your guitar more prone to going out of tune. Cold temperatures can make strings tighten or loosen unexpectedly. Make a habit of tuning your guitar every time you pick it up, and keep a tuner handy, especially if you play often.


Caring for your acoustic guitar in the colder months doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require some attention to detail. By monitoring humidity levels, storing your guitar correctly, and performing routine maintenance, you can keep your instrument in perfect condition all winter long. And remember, if you’re in the Lancaster, PA, area and need professional care, Tone Tailors has you covered!

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